Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tuesday 5, October 2010

Rain rain rain - we know what happens when it rains right???
Coach gets upset because she likes it when we run, but feels bad making anyone run in a monsoon... What to do, what to do????


Split jerk
3-3-3-3-3 (HEAVY)

3 x max rep strict pull ups

(I figured out what to do)

Death by Kettlebells - AHAP

So just like any death by workout, you keep adding every minute until you cant complete the number of reps for the minute you are on. With this one, you increase by 2 every minute so....

Minute 1 = 2 swings
Minute 2 = 4 swings
Minute 3 = 6 swings
and on up...

Your score is the last minute you completed all the reps, so if you finish minute 12 with 24 swings, go into minute 13 but only get 23 of the 26 swings, your score is 12.

Compare 3-16-10

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