Friday, February 20, 2009


An email sent to me by Dave Fish with some interesting quotes regarding recovery and training. (No comments regarding my schedule of recovery days either guys. LOL)

“The hardest thing for an athlete to do is not train. You can’t sit still. You feel like you should be out there working”- Graeme Obree (former 1hr cycling world record holder)

“The bottom line is that the body does not get fitter through exercise. It gets fitter through recovery”- Peter Keen (coach of Chris Boardman)

“Recovery. That’s the name of the game in cycling. Whoever recovers the fastest wins”- Lance Armstrong

“I have had many outstanding races after a forced rest. This illustrates the crucial role rest and recovery play in getting the most from training”- Emil Zatopek (18x World Record Holder)

“There is a time to train and a time to rest. It is the true test of the runner to get them both right.”- Noel Carrol (Irish Olympian and running coach)

“I take a nap almost every day. I couldn't do without my nap”- Scott Molina

Among the core training principles, perhaps the least understood is the principle of recovery. I know that, personally, it has only been relatively recently that I have come to fully understand the importance of getting work:recovery cycles right. - Compliments of Dave Fish


Chandler W said...

Recovery is the key to success without recovery you will never see your true potential only a watered down version of what you hope to achieve. I've learned in my short life that you can train and train and train but with no rest and recovery you will eventually fail at what you hope to achieve. This failure will teach you a valuable lesson though. It will teach you that rest is not a miserable day of doing nothing, but a great time to reflect on what you have been doing and what you could do to make it better. Rest can be the day you train your mind because your body is not the only thing you need to train.

Just my 2 cents

sam said...


I could not have said it any better!!