Friday, January 27, 2012

The 9 Big Butt Reasons

Complimetns of John Mariati! Thanks John!!

The other day I was talking to somebody about food and why you shouldn’t eat certain things. And I was about half-way into my usual explanation about foreign proteins and anti-nutrients and sugars and such when she stopped me short. “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” she said, “now give me the big butt reason.” I looked at her a little puzzled. And she said,”you know, why shouldn’t I eat something because it will make my butt big. That’s a reason I can really understand and stay with.”

So here goes The 9 Big Butt Reasons for eating certain foods and certain types of foods.

1. Why should I not drink soda? First (logically) there is too much sugar in them and the chemicals used to make soda leach calcium from your bones. BBR (Big Butt Reason): Too much sugar gives you too many calories and causes you to want even more sugar and makes your butt big(ger).

2. What about diet soda? First the artificial sweeteners are just chemicals and not good for you and your brain does not recognize the difference between fake sugar and the real thing, so you still release insulin and store fat. BBR: The more you drink the more you want and you want sugar even if you aren’t getting it so you eat more other crap to get it and that makes your butt big(ger).

3. You say not to eat gluten and wheat…why not? First there is the whole story about lectins and other proteins and the allergic reactions many people have with gluten but I won’t go there now (let me know if you need to hear this again). BBR: The gluten and wheat create an insulin reaction like sugar and cause you to eat more and more often , not to mention the calorie dense nature of the food makes it easy to over eat and that makes your butt big(ger).

4. Sugar? No Sugar? First it is addictive like crack or heroin or nicotine and the more you eat the more you want. BBR: it creates over time an insulin resistance that makes it harder and harder to lose weight because you aren’t processing sugar efficiently except to store it as fat and that makes your butt big(ger).

5. No pasta, no bread, no rice, no cake or pie, and no grains? First (after re-reading the gluten thing above) your digestive system does not process these foods in an efficient manner, they have almost no micro-nutrient value, and you can easily pile on more calories than you need. BBR: you eat too much, too often, and with no intention and that makes your butt big(ger).

6. No Processed food? First if it came out of a box it came out of a factory and it has been created to last a long time on the grocery shelf and will do the same thing in your body. BBR: there is little to no nutrient value except in the chemicals they put back in so you are eating calories that won’t increase your health and that makes your butt big(ger).

7. No peanut butter? No legumes, peas, beans? First (see the gluten thing above again) the allergic reaction many of us have and don’t realize it, the proteins are indigestible, the sugars create the same havoc with your insulin as the above. BBR: makes is hard for your digestive system to work properly, puts little holes in your intestines to let the proteins out and messes with your immune system and makes your butt big(ger).

8. No Alcohol? First sugar (see all the stuff before this) and gluten (beer) and then there is the toxic nature of alcohol in general and the ill effects it may have on your liver. BBR: if your liver isn’t working right it makes it hard to process sugar correctly, alcohol and most mixers we put alcohol into are full of sugar so you drink too many calories and that makes your butt big(ger).

9. No dairy? First your body does not have all the necessary tools to process lactase after the age of 2, it is more efficient to get calcium from other sources other than the chemicals producers have to add back in after pasteurization and the milk sugars and proteins act in your body like all the things we have already discussed. BBR: too many calories, too easy to eat too much of it, and that makes your butt big(ger).

The BBR bottom line? It is too easy to Over-eat these foods. They are calorie dense and nutrient weak, chemically dense and crowded with things your body was never meant to absorb, let alone try to process into a healthy body. On one hand the formula is simple…eat too many calories and it makes your butt big(ger). You can never exercise your way skinny. On the other hand the type of calories does matter…1500 calories of sugar will react differently in your body than 1500 calories of vegetables. Sugar provides no micronutrients and Vegetables are the best source of micronutrients.

The Standard American Diet consists of 60% processed food (CRAP in a box and yes this includes “diet” food, specially designed foods for weight loss), 30% meat, 5% white potatoes and rice, 5% vegetables. If you eat like this your butt will get big(ger). You should be eating something like 60% veggies, 30% meat, 10% or more fat (nuts, seeds, olives, avocados and the likes). If you do your butt won’t get bigger and if you add some exercise in your butt might even get smaller. And after all, isn’t that the real question you were asking anyway?



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