RSVP To Class

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wednesday 23, October 2013



20 Min Time Cap:

Ascending Ladder of
  • Burpees
  • Front Squat
  • Push Press
  • Farmer Carry
Ending with a Finisher

The Rep Sequence

Round 1
3- Burpees
3- Front Squats
3- Push Press
100 Meter Farmer Carry (10 meter increments)
Round 2
5- Burpees
5- Front Squats
5- Push Press
100 Meter Farmer Carry (10 meter increments)
Round 3
7- Burpees
7- Front Squats
7- Push Press
100 Meter Farmer Carry (10 meter increments)
Round 4
9- Burpees
9- Front Squats
9- Push Press
100 Meter Farmer Carry (10 meter increments)
Round 5
11- Burpees
11- Front Squats
11- Push Press
100 Meter Farmer Carry (10 meter increments)
The Finisher
13- Burpees Muscle Ups (L3)
13- Burpee Pull Ups (L2)
13- Burpee Over Barbell (L1)

Movement Details - Men

Level III (3)
Front Squats at 95 lbs
Push Press at 95 lbs
Farmer Carry at 53 lbs
Finisher: Burpee Muscle Ups
Level II (2)
Front Squats at 95 lbs
Push Press at 95 lbs
Farmer Carry at 53 lbs
Finisher: Burpee Pull Ups
Level I (1)
Front Squats at 45 lbs
Push Press at 45 lbs
Farmer Carry at 35 lbs
Finisher: Burpee Over Barbell

Movement Details - Women

Level III (3)
Front Squats at 65 lbs
Push Press at 65 lbs
Farmer Carry at 35 lbs
Finisher: Burpee Muscle Ups
Level II (2)
Front Squats at 65 lbs
Push Press at 65 lbs
Farmer Carry at 35 lbs
Finisher: Burpee Pull Ups
Level I (1)
Front Squats at 30lbs
Push Press at 30 lbs
Farmer Carry at 25 lbs
Finisher: Burpee Over Barbell

Movement Standards

At the bottom each athlete’s hips and chest must make contact with the ground. At the top, the athlete’s hands must touch above or behind their head and both feet must leave the ground simultaneously. All Burpees must be completely vertical and show full hip extension in order for it to be considered a rep.
Front Squat
This movement begins the barbell in the front rack position, how you get it there is irrelevant. No racks allowed. Before the athlete may start squatting he or she must start from a full upright standing position, full extension at the knees, legs and hips. At the bottom of the squat, the hip crease must pass below the knees. The athlete must return to full extension of the knees, legs and hips to complete each rep before continuing on.
Push Press
Each rep begins with the barbell on the shoulders and finishes with the weight fully locked out overhead and over the middle of the body. In the shoulder press as long as the elbow, hips and knees are fully extended at the top of the movement, and the bar finishes directly over the body with the feet in line at full extension then it is a good rep. If you fail to lockout or stand all the way up then it is a no rep. The use of a rack is not permitted.
Farmer Carry 
In the farmers’ carry you must carry the appropriate weights for your division around the ten-meter markings, fully circling around each line and or cone, whole body must cross. Arms must be fully extended and locked out the entire time with the kettlebell and or dumbbell in each hand. The usage of gloves and or straps will not be permitted. 
Burpee Muscle Up
The athlete must first perform a burpee before proceeding into a muscle up. In the burpee the athlete’s hips and chest must make contact with the ground. At the top, the athlete’s must stand all the way up, no clap or jump needed. He or she must just be completely vertical and show full hip extension at the top in order for it to be considered a rep. The athlete must then perform one muscle up before going back down into a burpee. In the muscle-up, you must begin with, or pass through, a hang below the rings with arms fully extended (with or without a ‘false grip’) and the feet off the ground. The elbows must be fully locked out while supporting yourself above the rings. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but swings or rolls to support are not permitted. If the athlete fails the muscle up the athlete may then attempt it again without having to re-do the burpee. 
Burpee Pull Up
In the burpee pull-up the athlete must first perform a burpee before proceeding into a pull-up. In the burpee the athlete’s hips and chest must make contact with the ground. At the top, the athlete’s must stand all the way up, no clap or jump needed. He or she must just be completely vertical and show full hip extension at the top in order for it to be considered a rep. This is a standard pull-up. Dead hang, or kipping pull-ups are allowed, as long as all the requirements are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom. At the top chin must clearly clear the pull-up bar breaking the horizontal plane. If the athlete fails the pull-up portion he or she may re-attempt until requirements are met before proceeding into the next rep. Bands will not be permitted.
Burbee Over Barbell
In the burpee over the barbell the athlete must first perform one burpee. Then jumping off of two feet over the barbell landing on two feet before proceeding into the next burpee. Each rep ends with jumping over the barbell. In the burpee the athlete’s hips and chest must make contact with the ground. At the top the athlete’s must stand all the way up, no clap is needed. He or she must just be completely vertical and show full hip extension at the top before jumping over in order for it to be considered a rep. 

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