Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday 18, December 2015

Warm up:

3 minute row sprint
25 OHS
2 minute row sprint
25 super mans
1 minute row sprint
25 push ups


Toes 2 bar 10 minutes


Strict press

12-10-8 warm up

8-8-8 at 75% of your 1 rep max

Super set with

Bulgarian split squats 15 each side (you are doing 12 sets or 6 sets to each leg of 15 reps)


Chain of Pain

4x 10 reps - should be double KB's

Swing minimum weight for men is 16kg and 12kg for woman
In that order. That is your first rep. You would immediately enter into your second rep by going directly back to swings after the last set’s press.
A set is 10 total reps.
No title of a workout has ever lived up to its name like this one. I’ve come up with dozens of routines: Hells Bells, FML, and Helter Skelter to name a few. The former athletes of mine who are reading this right now will feel a cold chill run up their spine just hearing those names. But nothing has had more impact than my beloved Chain of Pain.
In February of 2006 I took the job of San Jose State football strength coach. The team had been marred with mediocre outcomes for decades and was searching for an identity. Dick Tomey had taken the job in 2005 and was starting the epic turnaround for the Spartans.
Walking into the position, I knew we needed to develop a program that would facilitate the usual needs of a Division I football program. But we also needed something extra that would take a group of relatively undisciplined kids and help galvanize them through hard work. Since I was a kettlebell guy, I intended to create a gruesome program that would leave a standing mark on the team.
There aren't many kettlebell workouts more gruesome than the Chain of Pain.
The Chain of Pain is a series of double kettlebell exercises that transition from one move to the next, creating the “chain.” The idea is to layer in volume progressively over a series of weeks. In the end, the idea is to have a long chain. Since 2006, we have introduced this workout to a multitude of teams (especially those who need a kick in the ass). 

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