Wednesday, February 2, 2011

97 Bonus Changes After 6 Months of the Primal Lifestyle

What are some changes you've seen since eating the paleo diet?!! Comment below! :)

1 comment:

Travis Coombs said...

Changes i've seen...

1.) dropped from 165# to 160# in three weeks. First time in ten years i've consistently weighed below 165#.
2.) no more groggy mornings where i can't pull myself out of bed. More alert first thing in the morning.
3.) generally more clear headed throughout the day.
4.) no more post meal food coma.
5.) less fat in mid section.
6.) less of an emotional connection to food.

I could go on and on. This lifestyle really works, and i'm 80/20 strict at best. Look at Yoda Mel to see what 100% strict can do for you!