Sunday, March 8, 2009

Monday 9, March, 2009

First things First - GENE how did you do??? Post and let us know so we don't have to wait to see you! We all had you in our thoughts, and know you did amazing!

Second thing - Chandler what was the WOD today? Can only imagine you did just as amazing as yesterday. Congrats on your Endurance Cert.

OK, with all that said, to all the men and woman in the military, and civil service, this week at BBCF is dedicated in your honor.

I want to thank you all for the freedoms, liberties and safety my family and I have.

So, how do I do that you ask???? With a week of ass kicking workouts of course. Some are CF headquarter WOD's, one is a WOD by our one and only Chandler, and one is my own little concoction. Hope you all enjoy, and THANK YOU, IT IS AN HONOR TO HAVE YOU ALL PART OF BBCF!

"Tribute to the Navy Seal PST"

Row 200m
33 push ups
33 sit ups
6 strict or 15 kipping pull ups
Run 800m

Created and named by Chandler Walker


Mel said...

One of my favorite combinations of
functional movements.
I think I will enjoy this WOD a lot!
Thanks for the WOD, Chandler.

Lynntropy said...

Every time Alena even thinks the word "run" it snows. :) She's like a weather weapon. If we're not careful Cobra Commander will kidnap her to dominate the world with frigid temps and precipitation.

Alena said...

Thanks Lynn, lets not give him any ideas, because where would that leave all of you? With out my amazing sense of weather and stop watch use. :-)

Nichoel said...

That would leave all of us sad :)

Anonymous said...

The WOD was great even in the snow, despite the fact that I almost hit the ground a couple of times behind the building. The freezing wind and slick ground just added a little something to the WOD, it made it better.

Anonymous said...

Did I mention that Chandler almost didn't show up for his own workout? Weak!
But then he showed up at the last minute and beat me down.

harold said...

Great... I hadn't even seen the word "run" until someone had to mention it. And I thought this was going to be a fun workout...

Oh, and thanks for that whole "we're going to do kipping pullups" thing. Just as I do a couple, you turn it right into "let's do 30"

Chandler W said...

Jays right I showed up at the last minute, barely made it. My calves were pretty sore from the cert and after those 800 POSE runs they ARE ON FIRE! That was a fun WOD, a good start to a hood week.

17:58 something in that area I don't remember exactly

Chandler W said...

A good week not a hood week LOL

Chandler W said...

Scientists have known for more than 50 years that it is not the total amount of fat in our diet that promotes heart disease, but rather it is the kind of fat that matters. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors frequently ate more fats than we do, but they were almost invariably healthy fats. Polyunsaturated fats are good for us, particularly when we correctly balance the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Monounsaturated fats are heart healthy, and even some saturated fats such as stearic acid (found in animal fat) do not promote heart disease. The amount and quality of fat in our diet could also be important for the development of insulin resistance in our species. Loren Cordain

Walnuts have an excellent ratio of Omega 6's to Omega 3's. the ratio for Walnuts is 4-2 (4 Omega-6 to 2 Omega-3)
The next best would be Macadamia nuts at 6-3
Most other nuts have a terrible ratio so be careful consuming them.
Almonds for instance have no detectable Omega-3 and extremely high amounts of Omega-6

sam said...

I wanted to be there today to support Chandler's WOD creation, so I made the 1600 class.


That was a good brutal WOD!

thanks Chandler

Matt said...

This WOD was awesome! A very nice whole body :-)
19:49 -- Tried keeping up with Mel but failed :-(

Thanks for the info Chandler on the nuts, very clad that my 30 Mac Nuts a day are healthy :-p

Alena said...

So, mine was 21 something - I don't know for sure the seconds, I just know that was a WOD! Thanks Chandler - see you tomorrow!

Mel said...

It actually has become
one of my favorite WODs.
I would love to do this again

Alena said...

Mel, Jason says your a sick-o! I still love you!

Chandler W said...

Im glad everyone enjoyed the WOD. I enjoyed this throughly as well. It gave me a chance to practice me

Brant said...

I have to say I was a little disappointed by my results. I should have done better.