RSVP To Class

Friday, April 28, 2017

Friday 28, April 2017

Warm up:

400m run
100 double unders
10 strict pull ups
10 supermans
10 kipping pull ups

Body Ready:

5 min EMOM
5 snatch grip deads 50/30kg
5 snatch press


Clean and Jerk





HSPU - if you are modifying this double your reps
Deadlifts 102/.5/80kg

Woman's weight is generally per CF Main site 60% of the men's weight, but we have always gone 80kg on this one


Thursday, April 27, 2017

Thursday 27, April 2017

Warm up:

400m run
100 double unders
10 strict pull ups
10 supermans
10 kipping pull ups

Body Ready:

10 minute EMOM
10 floor press 50/30kg
10 push ups


5-3-1+ Week

Take your 1 rep max, take 90% of that then 75/85/95% of your 90 for the sets of 5/3/1+

Bench Press


EMOM till completion

10 wall balls 20/14lbs
every minute remainder of minute
Row / Bike until you  reach 150 caloires

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Wednesday 26, April 2017

Warm up:

400m run
100 double unders
10 strict pull ups
10 supermans
10 kipping pull ups

Body Ready:

7 minute EMOM
7 good mornings - 50kg
7 Pendlay rows - 50kg, palms facing forward


5-3-1+ Week
Take your 1 rep max, take 90% of that then 75/85/95% of your 90 for the sets of 5/3/1+



400m barbell carry 60/40kg
20 OHS 60/40kg
400m barbell carry 60/40kg
20 front squats 60/40kg
400m barbell carry 60/40kg

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Come cheer your BattleBorn team on at the 1st Affiliate Cup Challenge - Northern Nevada Athletic Club

9am Saturday and Sunday your gym family will be battling it out with 7 other teams to see who is the "fittest"..... LMAO - come watch us and cheer us on :-)

Tuesday 25, April 2017

Warm up:

400m run
100 double unders
10 strict pull ups
10 supermans
10 kipping pull ups

Body Ready:

5 minute EMOM
5 strict chin ups


5-3-1+ Week
Take your 1 rep max, take 90% of that then 75/85/95% of your 90 for the sets of 5/3/1+

Strict press


Row Row Row your Best

Damper setting


SPM - strokes per minute to match the above damper


You will be 1 minute on, 1 minute off - set this up on your rower before hand so you are not counting your time - the rower is.

For each round, the damper will be set, and you are rowing to stay at a consistenet SPM - example damper 10, your SPM is 16 - think hard pull, 3 count to recover, hard pull, 3 count to recover

Your score is 1 point for every round you succeed - have fun with this ones guys, not even being sarcastic, you should enjoy this one!

Stroke Rate

Stroke rate is the number of strokes you take per minute, or spm. The PM displays this number in the upper right corner. Rowing harder does not necessarily mean your stroke rate is faster. As you increase your intensity, try to keep your spm between 24 and 30 for most workouts, and 36 or below when racing. Read on to learn how.

Applying Power and Relaxing the Recovery

The key to keeping your stroke rate reasonable while increasing intensity is applying good power at the beginning of the stroke (the drive) and keeping your recovery under control. During the drive, be efficient with your power by engaging your legs at the start, then swinging the back, and then following through with your arms. On the recovery, don’t rush as you slide toward the handle for your next stroke. It’s called “recovery” for a reason! Overall, your drive-recovery ratio should be 1:2. In other words, your recovery should take twice as long as your drive. 

Monday 24, April 2017

Warm up:

400m run
100 double unders
10 strict pull ups
10 supermans
10 kipping pull ups

Body Ready:

6 minute EMOM
10 jump squats 20kg
10 jumping lunges


5-3-1+ Week
Take your 1 rep max, take 90% of that then 75/85/95% of your 90 for the sets of 5/3/1+

Back Squats


We had this one scheduled a little while ago, but it snowed so we didn't do it - so today we are.


For time:
Run 800 meters with a 45-lb. plate
100 toes-to-bars
155-lb. front squats, 50 reps
15-ft. rope climbs, 10 ascents
Run 800 meters with a 45-lb. plate

Partition the toes-to-bars, front squats and rope climbs as needed. Start and finish with the run.

U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Liam J. Nevins, 32, of Middlebury, Vermont, was killed by small arms fire while conducting combat operations in Paktia Province, Afghanistan, on Sept. 21, 2013. Nevins was assigned to Operational Detachment Alpha 9521, Bravo Company, 5th Bn., 19th Special Forces Group, based in Fort Carson, Colorado.
His friends remember him as a cut above when it came to fitness. He enjoyed hiking and running outdoors, as well as the full gamut of CrossFit movements, from Olympic lifting to gymnastics.
He is survived by his mother, Victoria; father, William; fiancée, Julie Huynh; and sisters, Maeve and Raven.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Thursday 20, April 2017

Warm up:

800m run
then 3x
10 OHS
10 Push ups
10 Jump squats
800m run

Body Ready:

7 min EMOM
3 snatch balance




400m run
20 Knees 2 elbows
20 ring dips - no other dip but rings!!! Or there will be a punishment, I don't care if you have to use a band on these, get your shoulders to the rings and STRUGGLE!

Wednesday 19, April 2017

Warm up:

800m run
then 3x
10 OHS
10 Push ups
10 Jump squats
800m run

Body Ready:

7 min EMOM
5 push ups
5 ring rows


Strict Press
at 70/80/90% of YOUR 90% of YOUR 1 rep max


7 C2B pull ups
9 push press 45/30kg
11 wall balls 20/14lbs

Tuesday 18, April 2017

Warm up:

800m run
then 3x
10 OHS
10 Push ups
10 Jump squats
800m run

Body Ready:

6 min EMOM
Advanced - 6 burpee box jumps overs
Intermediate - 4 burpee box jump overs
Beginner - 3 burpee box jump overs


Back Squats
3-3-3+ at 70/80/90% of YOUR 90% of YOUR 1 rep max


50 foot rack lunge 60/40kg
50 double unders
2 muscle ups

Monday 17, April 2017

Warm up:

800m run
then 3x
10 OHS
10 Push ups
10 Jump squats
800m run

Body Ready:

7 min EMOM
10 strict press
10 jump squats


Clean and jerks



KB swings 32/24kg
Toes to bar

Friday, April 14, 2017

Friday 14, April 2017

Warm up:

Fish game
10 OHS
10 Sampson stretch
10 Pull ups
2 minutes - 40 calories on airdyne

Body Ready:

7 minute EMOM
5 snatch grip deads
5 snatch pulls






Power cleans 60/40kg
200m sprint

After your last set, 40 UNBROKEN Double unders - or 100 UNBROKEN singles

Keep trying till you get them unbroken!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Thursday 13, April 2017

Warm up:

Fish game
10 OHS
10 Sampson stretch
10 Pull ups
2 minutes - 40 calories on airdyne

Body Ready:
7 minute EMOM
5 strict pull ups
3 strict HPU


Strict Press

90% of your 1 rep max then 65%, 75%, 85% of that for your sets


500m row

2 minutes or less
1 min double KB OH Hold AHAP
75 double unders
30 alternating pistol squats

2 minutes or more
30 burpees
30 calories air dyne
30 wall balls 20/16lbs

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Wednesday 12, April 2017

Warm up:

Fish game
10 OHS
10 Sampson stretch
10 Pull ups
2 minutes - 40 calories on airdyne

Body Ready:

7 min EMOM
10 Banded good mornings
5 strict pull ups


Back squats
Take 90% of your 1 rep max we found two weeks ago, then
Set 1 is 65% of your 90%
Set 2 is 75% of your 90%
Set 3 is 85% of your 90%

Set 3 you are shooting for a new Rep PR - so not to failure, but almost so LIFT more than 5 reps!

Lift Up Autism 2016 video GEARING UP FOR 2017

Hey EVERYONE - we will be hosting this September 10th 2017 - please mark your calendars!!!

Dr. Kelly Flanagan - UnTangled Open letter to his Daughter

Dear Little One,
Last week, we arrived at the theater early and, before a movie about beauty and beasts, we saw a preview for a movie about men and machines. We came for a story about love and we got a preview about war. I’m okay with that—it’s the world we live in and I’m used to it.
What I’m not okay with is the young girl we saw in the preview.
She looked directly into the camera, covered in sweat and dirt, and she said, “Some kids used to tease me…they’d say, ‘You run like a girl, you throw like a girl, you fight like a girl.’ Fight like a girl? Yeah, I fight like a girl. Don’t you?” Then, for the rest of the preview, she exuberantly participated in the blowing up and destruction of everything.
I felt like that little girl had punched me in the gut, too.
Because I looked over at you—seven-years-old, eyes wide behind 3-D glasses, already wondering what it means to be a girl—watching the not-so-subtle message that to be a strong girl, you have to fight like the most violent of men.
Little One, as your father, I want you to know, this was not a message about how to become a strong woman; it was a message about how to become an extinct woman. This was the message of a war-riddled and violence-obsessed hyper-masculine culture, hell-bent on victory, knowing that the only way to have victory over your womanhood is to erase it.
After all, what is the most effective way to eliminate the other? It’s to make them exactly like you.
Don’t fall for it.  
We have enough ego-driven, angry, aggressive, and violent men on this planet. We don’t need you to become one too, just so you can prove to those very same men that you are a “strong girl.”
No, Little One, the way to become a strong girl is to resist your assimilation into the worst elements of masculinity. The way to be a strong girl is to grow into the best and strongest parts of your femininity.
To be a strong woman, you don’t have to push others down; you simply refuse to be pushed around yourself.
To be a strong woman, you don’t have to relish aggression; you simply resist it.
To be a strong woman, you don’t have to use violence; you just need to use your voice, steadfastly, resolutely, and unceasingly.
But most importantly, you don’t become a strong woman by acting like a man; you become a strong woman by acting like yourself. 
At the center of you is your soul, your heart, your truest self. It is the least tangible part of you, yet the most indestructible part of you. It is the least violent part of you, yet the part of you from which you will fight most resiliently.
You don’t have to be like a man, you only have to be like you.
You won’t become your truest, strongest you by struggling violently against others. You will become your truest, strongest you by struggling to love the world in the very specific, very unique, perhaps ordinary, but always beautiful way that only you can love it.
Little One, if we all loved the world with that kind of beauty, the beasts wouldn’t stand a chance.
Peace to you,

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Tuesday 11, April 2017

Warm up:

Fish game
10 OHS
10 Sampson stretch
10 Pull ups
2 minutes - 40 calories on airdyne

Body Ready:

7 minute EMOM
7 snatch grip press
5 burpees


Clean and jerks


15 minute AMRAP

10 G2OH 42.5/30kg
10 KB swing s32/24kg
10 bar facing burpees

Monday, April 10, 2017

Monday 10, April 2017

Warm Up:

Fish Game
10 OHS
10 Sampson stretch e/s
10 Pull ups
40 calories on the air dyne


7 min EMOM
5 Kang squats
5 STRICT pull ups


65%-75%-85% of your 90% of YOUR 1 rep max
Last set of 5 is not to failure, but to find a NEW rep max


50 double unders
400m run
30 Calories Air dyne
20 Calories rowe
10 Deadlifts 102.5/70kg
NO rest during the round - rest up to 3 minutes after each round
20 minute time cap

Friday, April 7, 2017

Friday 7, April 2017

Warm up:
800m run
15 OHS
15 Sampson stretch
15 leg swings - each side front and side

Body Ready:
6 minute EMOM
6 clean pulls
2 cleans

Back squats
3 max rep

10 OHS 60/42.5kg
100 Double unders
20 KB swings 24/16kg

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Thursday 6, April 2017

Warm up:
800m run
15 OHS
15 lunges - each side
15 leg swings - each side front and back

Body Ready:
8 minute EMOM
3 front rack lunges each side
6 front squats

Squat cleans

Calorie row
Thrusters 57.5/42.5kg

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Wednesday 5, April 2017

Warm up:
800m run
15 inch worms
15 PVC dislocates
15 Y & T

Body Ready:
6 minute EMOM
10 Dips
10 Pull ups

Bench Press
3 rep max
15 diamond push ups

Push press 60/42.5kg
Toes 2 bar

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Tuesday 4, April 2017

Warm up:

800m run
15 Good mornings
15 Super mans
15 Sampson stretch

Body Ready:

8 minute EMOM
1 HEAVY snatch grip pull
7 burpees


3 rep max


5x 3 minute rounds
400m run
Max effort pull ups - score for this WOD is total pull ups

***if you do not get the 400m done in the 3 minutes, AND at least 1 pull up - your coach will give you a bike or row sprint for each missed round at the end of the workout - it is the coaches discretion as to how many calories or meters, or whatever they expect in that minute.

Monday 3, April 2017

So, it is APRIL!!!

Closer to some warm weather I hope!

Warm up:

800m run
15 Sampson stretch
15 Med ball slams 20lbs
15 OHS

Body ready:

What the.... you are asking yourself right now, what is she doing now!!!

Well, last week we had lots of complaints about how people didn't feel "warm" enough for their lifts, so I came up with a new thing we are trying!

7 minute EMOM
1 hang clean
5 push press
*add weight every round, or stick with a solid medium weight to achieve complete mobility and warmth in all joints etc. involved today. I <3 your face!


Strict press

3 rep max - didn't realize until today which is Tuesday that I wrote a 2 rep max on the board.....
Super set with 25 banded face pulls


Well this was horrible
15 wall balls
7 muscle ups - no scaled movement for muscle ups today - either you have them, rings or bands or you don't. If you don't you and I get to do:
21 pull ups/21 dips
15 hang cleans 87.5/60kg