RSVP To Class

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Wednesday 3 December 2008

For time:

Row 2k

Pull fast & hard!

Post time to comments.


Mel said...

Here is a link from an interesting article from today's paper.

Being a Crossfitter for almost two years now, there are some things in this ad that I disagree with.

See you all later.

Wilson said...

7:20. Thanks to Dimitri for sitting next to me pushing hard.

Mr.Marmot said...

I can't remember my time exactly... 8:20-8:30 I think. I'm shooting for under 8 minutes next time.

sam said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sam said...


Chandler W said...

Thanks for the article Mel. I am shocked that Crossfit Sierra Nevada is duping people into thinking their random mess of a workout program is crossfit. I think they just want to capitilize on the Crossfit name

Drew Canavero said...

Chandler, your assessment is dead-on. How do you think we should respond to this?

Chandler W said...

I think we need to show up to their challenge they mention in the article and wipe the floor with them. Since they would not come to ours. We should also invite RGJ to our gym and show them how crossfit really works. What does everyone else think?

sam said...

I agree with Chandler!!

Count me in.

Anonymous said...

One of my coworkers showed me that article. I was surprised, but all I can say is that I am very fortunate to be in the true Crossfit Program. Thank you.

WOD: 2000m = 9:23

Matt 2.0 said...

My response to Drew and Chandler:
I think we should challenge them on a TRUE crossfit WOD chosen at random. Put our guys/girls up against thier guys/girls in similar body weights. Let the iron do the talking. This will require them to step up and accept the challenge as well as a small amount of organization. Of course RGJ should be there to cover the story.
In the mean time we should show up to there open house, on Friday, in our shirts and be silent observers. No need to talk trash, but offer them the chance to put their crossfit money where their mouths are. This is just opinion, I could be way off base.

Todays WOD: Yesterday's Nancy
15kg @ 14:20

Mel said...

In regards to the above article:

(1)"Calisthenics make a comeback"

My comment: -- This is not a physical education class!

According to the definition of Crossfit---"CrossFit is the principal strength and conditioning program...Our program delivers a fitness that is, by design, broad, general, and inclusive. Our specialty is not specializing. Combat, survival, many sports, and life reward this kind of fitness and, on average, punish the specialist."
Source: Crossfit website

(2)"Various cardio and stamina building exercises like frog jumps, mat pushes ..."

My comment: I don't remember doing any of these in our crossfit gym.

(3)"...formerly a master trainer at 24-Hour Fitness"

My comment: What is the definition of a "24hr fitness master trainer"?

(4)"We don't focus on weight loss but how your clothes fit," said Kahl, who added that muscle mass that is gained through working out could mask fat loss."

Comment: Tried to use my analytical mind and searched through various scientific journals but still trying to make sense out of this statement. I don't understand what this means!

(5)"They are designed so you push yourself as hard as you want."
.."But Kahl stressed that clients should go at their own pace."

My comment: Totally contradicting statements.

(6)", he also switched to a low-fat diet."

My comment: My question is how does a low fat diet contribute to getting better in Crossfit as well meeting fitness goals?

(7)"because the exercises are based around core work, "You get a six-pack faster than any other workout."

My comment: Function and peak performance outranks aesthetics.

Enough said.

See you all tomorrow.

Mel said...

2000 m row
Time: 7:49

Great WOD. Thanks Drew.

As always, excellent job, everyone!

JALENDRA said...

7:37.8 on 2k note to pace is the way to go on this workout. Learned it a hard way.

Anonymous said...

I think you all are on the right track, a challenge to the "x" fit is the way to do it. I'd love to participate, so if its before Jan, I'm in!

Cre8tivspirit said...

I miss you guys. Keep up the great work.