Monday, February 24, 2014

10,000 HOURS

10,000 hours.

I often hear how someone "wishes" they had the talent of Annie Thorisdottir. How they wish they could do all of the skills easily and "effortlessly".

My answer is 10,000.

Because that's how much work you are going to have to do before you are at the level of top competitors, to get to the level of professional athletes.

10,000 hours is 3 hours of practice for 10 years on end - day in and day out.

And they all did it. They all put in the time. That is why it looks so effortless - even though it most certainly is not.

If you want it, you are going to have to put in long hours everyday training, mobilizing, reading, learning.

You are going to have to play catch up, because all those years you were just hanging around, someone out there was training hours upon hours everyday.

It doesn't come easy and it doesn't come free. It comes with time, patience, practice and perseverance.

It comes with sweat, blood and tears. It comes with huge amounts of failure, of months on end without PRs. It comes with turning down time with friends and family and eating clean all day everyday.

It comes with a price tag. Are you willing to pay it? Because just wishing isn't going to get you there.

If not, that is totally fine - just know how it will affect reality.

I'm not willing to pay it, but I also know that the way I train and the hours I put in will never get me to the arena in The CrossFit Games.

“Practice isn't the thing you do once you're good. It's the thing you do that makes you good.”
― Malcolm Gladwell


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