Friday, May 9, 2014

The Mental Game

The mental suck.

It's not that the elite athletes at your box are genetically a whole lot better than you.

They weren't born with a six pack, able to back squat 2xBW or constantly move with a freakish motor.

What they can do better though, is they can endure. They can endure the suck better than you.

They can keep pushing even though they want to put down the bar just as much as you.

It's not that they were blessed by the Gods, instead, they ignore that little voice a little longer.

They do this, day after day after day.

And each time they hold on to the bar for one more rep, or sprint 100% through the finish instead of the 96% mark, they get better than before.

They gain the ability to endure the suck better than you.

So next time during the WOD, when all you can think about is how bad it hurts, or how much the WOD sucks, or how you want to just stop... for a "few" seconds - embrace the suck, push through it.

Get another set done. Finish the movement. Get to the next round. Endure the suck just a little longer than you think you can.

 If you do, day after day after day, you too will become that elite level athlete you look up to now.

REMEMBER - 3 deep breathes, pick up the bar and go! Don't stop on your burpees, close your eyes, loose yourself and just do it - finish it.


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