Monday, October 26, 2009

Olympic Lift Certification Oct 24th and 25th

First and foremost thank you so much to the staff of Coaches that came to BBCF!!!
Second thank you to all the attendees for coming and making the amazing cert happen!

OK, so no idea where to start other than there will be some great changes in the box starting Monday the 2nd of November. I will actually be implementing them in all week, but I need to get my programming readjusted, and look at my notes etc.

Please take note, that Travis, Mel, Chandler, Scott, Jason, Gene, Alena, Ryan, and Denny all attended the certification this weekend. So please, as always if you feel you are struggling on a movement, or even the warm up drills we will be doing, ask any of us. We are so excited to share the knowledge we learned, and wanting all of you to grow and become stronger and faster with the help of the explosive Olympic lifts.

There is so much to say, but more so - so much to demonstrate!

Also, a huge thank you to the BBCF members mentioned above that attended the cert this weekend, your knowledge and ability helps me and everyone else - we all appreciate you!


Mel said...

It was a great weekend of learning and networking amongst CrossFitters from different parts of the world. There was an excellent balance of didactics and practical application of the Olympic Weightlifting movements. There were a lot of invaluable information gained during the certification.

The bottom line and most importantly is that we can teach and share these knowledge and skills to our fellow CrossFitters in our box.

A big thank you to Alena and Jason for hosting the certification!

See you all later.

Travis Coombs said...

Amazing experience! Educational and humbling at the same time. Thanks Alena & Jason for hosting the event.

Chandler W said...

Great cert! I learned so much about my own technique flaws and also about noticing and correcting others technique errors. Thanks to Alena and Jason for hosting an awsome cert!

Rich Vos said...

Thanks BBCF for hosting the oly cert over the weekend. I had a blast a learned a lot. Best of luck with your box.

-Rich in KY