Monday, May 14, 2012


The first annual Call Of Duty, Call For Life event is scheduled to take place on June 23, 2012 at the Mayberry Athletic Center:

The Event

Tactical Athletic Performance and CrossFit Initiative are collaborating to design 3 team challenges. Two challenges will be short course events. And the third challenge will be a long course event. Each will take place in the foothills of northwest Reno. Each 6-person team must use their strength, stamina, teamwork, and problem solving skills to complete the challenges. The rugged terrain of the foothills is a perfect testing-ground for teams to demonstrate their skill, fitness, and resolve. And tested they will be...

All participants, family and friends are invited to a BBQ to conclude the event where the hamburgers are being provided by Sierra Meat.

The focus of the day is answering our Call of Duty to our community. Answering our Call of Duty to those that need us to step up and do our part. It's a day you'll never forget when you meet the survivors and their families. And it's a day you'll cherish as we honor the angels that we've lost..

We already have two teams signed up (limited to 20 teams). This event promises to be incredibly fun, challenging, and rewarding.
All collected money goes directly to the Norther Nevada Children's Cancer Foundation.

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