Thursday, December 6, 2012

Monday 3, December 2012

HOLY OMG it is December already!!!

Hope you guys are ready for this month, we have some great weeks of programming coming up PLUS A REMINDER - the first week of January we have our assessment week coming back around. For those of you who have bee with BBCF then you know what this is, and it is a great time to see the AMAZING level of change you have had in a short six months.  For those of you who have not done an assessment week with us yet PLEASE BE SURE TO BE HERE for the week.  You will get an awesome sense of where you are, and where you want to be by June of 2013. It also gives you the ability to set those NEW YEARS GOALS for 2013 - member we hate the word resolution. :-)


Clean and Jerk

10 minutes to find a 1 rep max


CrossFit Total

The CrossFit Total reflects an athlete's functional strength capacity more accurately than any other test, writes Mark Rippetoe, author of Starting Strength and owner of The Wichita Falls Athletic Club/CrossFit Wichita Falls.

The CrossFit Total is the sum of the best of three attempts at the squat, the press, and the deadlift. All three lifts are done while standing on the floor. They require minimal and inexpensive equipment. They are not technique- dependent to the extent of the Olympic lifts, yet they require technical proficiency beyond mere passing familiarity. They are safe when performed correctly, since they can all be performed without spotters—alone in a garage if necessary.

There is no time limit for each lift or for the length of the session in which they are all performed, but they must all be performed during one session—i.e., you cannot leave the area to rest or perform other activities between the three lifts.

Anyone in a position to attempt a legitimate CrossFit Total should be familiar enough with their capabilities on the lifts to have a fairly good idea of just what might be possible for a one-rep max (1RM). This number is what you warm up intending to do. A meet situation will involve three attempts, and this is a good way to determine a true 1RM.

The first attempt would be a weight you know you can do for a heavy set of three. The second attempt would be a weight you know without any doubt that you could do for a single, having just done the first attempt. And the third attempt is the weight you want to do, based on your performance on the previous two attempts.


10 minutes

"Cindy" in essence but I want a full round every minute :-)

5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

The following chart is a GUIDE ONLY. Please always note body mechanics, size, height, muscle mass etc. need to be taken into account this set of lifts. Just because a guy who weighs 200lbs hits a 1000lb CFT DOES NOT MEAN every man should!

Also this is in pounds not kilo's

Men's Class Rankings
114 228 395 468 646 836
123246 427 510 695 901
132265 461 546 745 848
148296 516 618 833 1061
165322 560 672 906 1149
181348 604 722 969 1245
198366 637 764 1017 1305
220385 671 807 1071 1373
242402 700 833 1102 1411
275413 718 856 1128 1441
319422 733 874 1150 1466
320+ 430 748 891 1169 1494
Women's Class Rankings
97134 231 270 370 480
105143 251 291 400 507
114155 269 314 426 537
123164 284 333 452 566
132173 302 351 473 594
148190 332 389 520 648
165206 357 417 560 709
181220 383 451 598 737
198237 412 474 630 788
199+ 250 434 506 662 826

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