Thursday, August 31, 2017

Thursday 31, August 2017

Warm up
Fish Game
3 x 10
Strict pull ups - lightest band if needed
Push ups

6 min EMOM
7 strict pull ups - neutral grip
7 kipping pull ups - no butterfly - chin MUST go over the bar

Clean and Jerk
1+1+2 x 10 @ 65%
Squat hang clean
Squat clean

Snake Eyes - always adds up to 11
Floor press 60/40kg
Plyo push ups
100m sprint after each set

Image result for crossfit sprint meme

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Wednesday 30, August 2017

  Warm up
Fish Game
3 x 10
Strict pull ups - lightest band if needed
Push ups

6 min EMOM
5 toes 2 bar
5 strict pull ups - neutral grip

Strength - deload week
Back Squat
Count Down 3x
6-5-4-3-2-1 @ 60%
6 reps with a 6 second hold in the bottom
5 reps 5 sec hold
4 and 4
3 and 3
2 and 2
1 and 1

Prison Rules
16 rounds at 15 seconds each per movement
1 minute rest between each movement or 16 rounds
3 Over head squats 52.5/40kg
3 Front squats 52.5/40kg
3 Back squats 52.5/40kg

Image result for crossfit squat meme

Tuesday 29, August 2017

Warm up
Fish Game
3 x 10
Strict pull ups - lightest band if needed
Push ups

6 min EMOM
5 strict chin ups

2+1 x 10 @ 65%
2 hang snatch in hole
1 full snatch in hole

Prison Rules
16 rounds at 15 seconds each per movement
1 minute rest between each movement or 16 rounds
3 power snatch 42.5/30kg
3 clean and jerks 42.5/30kg
3 thrusters 42.5/30kg

Image result for crossfit thruster meme

Monday 28, August 2017

Warm up
Fish Game
3 x 10
Strict pull ups - lightest band if needed
Push ups

6 min EMOM
5 strict pull ups - WIDE grip
7 ring dips - anything other than rings double reps

Strength - Deload week let's have fun
Front Squat
3x20 at 65-70%
*do as many reps front as you can then finish the 20 reps on your back
*weight is something you can do at least 8 reps with

20 American KB swings 32/24kg
15 calorie row or bike
25 wall balls 20/14lb

Image result for crossfit rowing meme

Friday 25, August 2017

Warm up
800m run
10 strict press
10 push press
10 push jerks

Moby - Flower- better know as the Sally song
Clean and jerk - hang

Clean and Jerk
1+1+2 x 8 @ 60%
1 hang + 1 squat clean + 2 jerks x 8 sets

100 thrusters 42.5/30kg
***top of every minute = 5 wall balls 20/16lb
start with wall balls

Image result for crossfit thruster meme

Thursday 24, August 2017

Warm up
800m run
10 strict press
10 push press
10 push jerks

Moby - Flower- better know as the Sally song
Thrusters 30kg

Week 3 Cycle 1
75/85/95% of your 90%
Back Squat

Box jumps 30/24in


Image result for crossfit box jump meme

Wednesday 23, August 2017

Warm up
800m run
10 strict press
10 push press
10 push jerks

Moby - Flower- better know as the Sally song
Hang Snatch
Hold in the bottom

2+1x8 at 60%
2 hang in hole + 1 full in hole 8 times

10 min AMRAP
10 power snatch 50/30kg
10 burpees

Image result for crossfit meme snatch

Tuesday 22, August 2017

Warm up
800m run
10 strict press
10 push press
10 push jerks

Moby - Flower- better know as the Sally song

Week 3 Cycle 1
75/85/95% of your 90%
Bench Press

14 min EMOM
7 KB cleans right
7 KB swings
7 KB cleans left
7 goblet squats

Image result for crossfit meme hspu

Monday 21, August 2017

Warm up
800m run
10 strict press
10 push press
10 push jerks

Moby - Flower- better know as the Sally song
Back squats 60/40kg

Week 3 Cycle 1
75/85/95% of your 90%

15 min AMRAP
 20 calorie row - AFAP
10 Front rack DB step ups 35/25lbs - 24inch
5 C2B pull ups

Image result for crossfit meme deadlifts

Friday, August 18, 2017

Friday 18, August 2017

Warm up
800m run
10 OHS 20kg bar
10 Front squats
10 Thrusters

Bottom to Bottom Tabata

Back Squat
70/80/90% of your 90%
Log your reps + weight used

100 double unders
25 KB swings 32/24kg
20/15 calorie on the rower -1 minute to do
12 min time cap

Image result for funny crossfit memes pistol

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Thursday 17, August 2017

Warm up
800m run
10 OHS 20kg bar
10 Front squats
10 Thrusters

6 min EMOM
20 second high knees
20 second up downs

Clean and Jerk
1+2x7 at 60%
1 full squat clean 2 jerks
Each rep is TECHNIQUE and form
Catch in the hole - set jerk, reset jerk

7 min AMRAP
3  power cleans 70% of your max
5 front squats
1 min REST
7 min AMRAP
10 wall balls 20/16lbs
5 box jumps 24inch
Score = total COMPLETE rounds both AMRAPs

Image result for funny crossfit memes pistol

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Wednesday 16, August 2017

Warm up
800m run
10 OHS 20kg bar
10 Front squats
10 Thrusters

5 min EMOM
3 wall walks
5 inch worms

Front Squat - find your 1 rep max
If you found your max last week
Squat cleans

50 front rack lunges 60% of your max Front squat
50 push ups
50 push press 60/40kg
50 burpees
20 minute cap

Image result for funny crossfit memes pistol

Tuesday 15, August 2017

Warm up
800m run
10 OHS 20kg bar
10 Front squats
10 Thrusters

6 min EMOM
10 ball slams 20lbs
10 push ups

70/80/90% of your 90%
Log your plus reps and weight

20 min AMRAP
5 Handstand pushups
10 pistols
15 Pull-ups

Image result for funny crossfit memes pistol

Monday 14, August 2017

Warm up
800m run
10 OHS 20kg bar
10 Front squats
10 Thrusters

5 min EMOM
5 burpees
10 double tap wall balls 20/16lb

Overhead Squat
Find your max - if you found your true max last week then
Strict Press
3-3-3+ log your plus reps and weight used
70/80/90% of your 90%

800m run
15 OHS 75% of your max
800m run
15 OHS

Image result for funny crossfit memes overhead

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Why Does Coach tell me to RETURN the Bar to the Ground???

Dead Wrong About Deadlifts

August 9, 2017
You probably already know that you get stronger when controlling the eccentric portion
of a rep. If you don't believe me, slow down your tempo while lifting for a few sets and
you'll feel all those antagonist muscles firing hard. In the bench press, for example, the
lats and biceps are primarily responsible for controlling the bar's descent to your chest,
allowing the muscles through the pecs and shoulders to stretch and build up kinetic
energy before changing directions and loading all that energy into the bar. Slow your
bar's descent and you'll start to feel those muscles sizzle.

There are a few opportunities for improvement in the deadlift that are not only going to
 increase your total, but even out your strength and help with your longevity in the

Yet the contemporary novice powerlifter seems to have forgotten this when it comes to
deadlift. The style today is to take a deliberate slow tempo down with the bench and
squat before coming up fast, but for the deadlift the opposite is true. They get to lockout
and then CRASH down to the ground. Why?

When you take your time lowering the bar to the ground, you're building your back, 
core, and hamstrings to a degree that no other exercise can fully do. You're building 
muscle strength completely through the posterior chain that would otherwise be lacking
when crashing to the ground like so many new powerlifters.


First, establishing the lifter's deadlift stance has become a ritual with more complicated 
footwork than any agility ladder drill in the NFL combines. At the last meet I judged, 
counted several lifters who moved their feet more than a dozen times before finally 
starting their attempt. 

Why does this matter?

So imagine you're in the chute getting ready for your attempt. When you're 3 out, you
start psyching yourself up. Maybe pacing a little bit. When you're 2 out, you start
chalking your hands and reaching for the ammonia. When you're on deck, you've worked
yourself up into a frenzy, your training partner slaps your neck, and you inhale a head-full
of ammonia to really unlock the beast. There's no room for thoughts in your head - it's
just a whirling storm of lightning bolts and rage.

Then you stand over the barbell for 30 seconds, wiggling your feet, huffing and puffing.
What's happening during this time?

Well, your ability to get mentally whipped into a human tornado only lasts so long, so as
you're facing down the loaded bar your mental stamina is fatiguing, the storm is clearing,
and you're starting to think about this lift again. Thinking doesn't belong on the platform.

Now imagine you're watching your favorite quarterback, he takes the snap, takes 7 or 8
steps backwards, then proceeds to dance in the pocket for a while. You already know
what's going to happen if he does this for too long. He's going to lose his focus and
become a stain on the ground at the hands of a 275lb outside linebacker. Quarterbacks
learn how to take 3 and 5 step drops back from center before releasing the ball because
hey know it's effective and efficient.

In fact, you're probably already doing that with your squat set up. Unrack the bar, slide
one foot back, slide the other foot back, then slide one foot over to the proper width of
your stance. That's it. So why do the hokey pokey with the deadlift? 


Another reason you're missing out on your deadlift getting better is the quality of the
reps performed in training. If your goal is to compete in powerlifting some day, your
reps in training should as closely mimic those necessary for competition as possible.
That means no straps, a convincing lock out with a pause at the top, and a controlled

Scroll through your Instagram feed and you'll see deadlifters with a lockout and drop 
faster than an Olympic weightlifter. It's almost like they're afraid to hold that deadlift 
at the top. t's not hot, it's not painful, in fact it's when the weight is at its lightest. Then
on meet day when they get into their second attempts they can't lock out the last 2"
because they have absolutely no strength there. Especially with a sumo deadlift. This
goes back to what I said above about the eccentric portion of your deadlift
strengthening your hips and hamstrings too. The bar flies off the ground and above the
knees, then it grinds to a halt a couple inches short of lockout where the lifter struggles
and strains for that extra strength. I see this all the time at meets too, then the lifter
complains they should have put more baby powder on their legs. No, you should have
put more emphasis on your lockout!

Even if you're never planning on competing in powerlifting, practice the reps with
competition-quality form. Take that extra second or two to really solidify your finish
position and focus on stacking all your joints. Squeeze your ass hard to support your low
back and ensure your hips are through and your shoulders are back. Hold this position.
Own that rep. Then set it down with a careful focus on the eccentric. My first powerlifting
coach used to say "set it down like you're putting it to bed and you don't wanna wake it up" 

We get it, you look very tough when you drop the 315 on the ground but your posterior
chain looks flatter than Kansas because of it.


Phil Pfister, World's Strongest Man winner, once said "You're only as strong as what your
hands can hold." Strapping in for every set above 60% is neglecting a crucial component for
strength - your grip! Straps allow you to be lazy with your upper back position and don't
engage the muscles in the forearms and bicep like grabbing the bar does. Even if you try to
squeeze the bar while wearing your straps, it isn't the same as lifting the weight with your own
two hands. 

 These straps are over 2 feet long, making it possible to wrap around the wrist, around the bar, over your hand, and still have about a foot of seatbelt left.

People who know me will say "But Clay, your grip is great! Of course you would hate on straps.
" Do you think it was always this way? The very first day I got into the gym, I trained deadlifts.
Although I shouldn't have done this on Day 1, I wanted to see what kind of baseline strength I
had so I worked up to as heavy single. I got 315 but as soon as I hit 365, the bar rolled out of my
left hand and fell to the ground. This was before I knew anything about a mixed grip or hook grip. 

I realized I needed to get my hands stronger so I could lift more weight, so I started reading what I
could about grip training. This led me down an entirely different path. I really like training grip on
its own and I haven't had an issue holding onto a bar in over 10 years. I personally only use straps
when I'm doing max block pulls or competing in strongman. But powerlifting doesn't allow straps
so I don't use em and neither do my lifters. 

Involving the grip also builds the biceps tendons by exposing them to controlled amounts of stress,
increasing your longevity in the sport. Take it from a guy who has surgical scars on his elbow and
knees, you're going to want some longevity in powerlifting.  


The deadlift is one of the most simple, pure lifts in the gym. You simply walk up to a bar, bend down,
and pick it up. But it's hard to watch all these lifters on the platform struggle when a few simple
changes to their training could not only result in better performances but much heavier weights. 

If you're overcomplicating this lift with neurotic foot shuffling, tying your hands to the bar, and
crashing to the floor, you're missing out on the most important reason for doing any of this -