RSVP To Class

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thursday 2, July 2009

So starting off our month of benchmark WOD's we have the very lovely lady -



Deadlifts 102.5kg
Handstand push ups

This is going to be awesome!


Ty Jones said...

Dangit! I'm leaving for Vegas at 4am :-( I still haven't tried this one.

JALENDRA said...

Man IF I wake up early tomorrow at 9 am I will come to do this workout.

Travis Coombs said...

8:20 as Rx'd

I always hit the wall on the HSPU's in the second round where they turn into multiple sets of 1 or 2 reps. Practice, practice, practice...

Matt said...

10:03 Rx'd

WOW, Deadlift were extremely difficult today :-(

Alena said...

5:13 at 80kg for deads - womans weight would of been 61kg, but I did this WOD a few months ago and wanted to see how I did - shaved almost a minute off my time. Think I will try it again this weekend at full blown womans weight and see if I csn get under 4:30 :-0