Wednesday, September 30, 2009



OK, so few things:

Paleo Challenge (new one) will start Monday the 5th of October - we will again run it for 90 days, change a few things up this time but still an awesome way to kick start the body and getting the most out of your health, your workouts, and fitness.

Dodgeball this weekend - contact me ASAP to let me know who is in. This will be so much fun!!!! We need at least 6, plus we need a few subs (Evan and I have to leave at about 5 for Susanville).

New blog content starting in October - it will be a surprise everyday for the WOD. I will post the days workout at the end of the day with pictures and the whiteboard showing scores etc. I will be able to acknowledge new PR's etc. easier that way - and taking away the aspect of "cherry picking" your workouts. I know it is so easy to see burpees on the WOD, or running or what move you don't like and decide not to go - well no more. If you don't do the movements you don't like you wont get better (and we don't like them because they are hard, and not our best move) HAHA - allows you to listen to your body, and follow your workout plans rest days, be it 3 on 1 off or 5 and 2, or whatever. Allows me as a coach to ensure that you are coming in and working on the functional movements we need in our life.

Also - we have the CrossFit Running and Endurance Certification coming up in December - click on the link on this page and sign up for an amazing two days that will dramatically help you understand your running, and become a successful runner.


Ty Jones said...

Awesome strategy! Plus, it adds to the suspense :-) Every day is an adventure in CrossFit!

Alena said...

Thanks Ty. :-)