RSVP To Class

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Monday 19, October 2009


Five rounds for time of:

7 Muscle-ups - or 4 pull ups and 4 dips for every muscle-up
95 pound Sumo-deadlift high-pull, 21 reps

Post time to comments.

1LT Tyler E. Parten, 24, of Arkansas, died Sept. 10 in Konar province, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when insurgents attacked his unit using rocket-propelled grenades and small arms fire. He was assigned to the 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, Colorado.

We have a lot of fun in the BBCF box - but there are the days that we have a reminder that not everyone is having as much fun as we are. Today we honor a new HERO WOD - Tyler. Wee will get our asses kicked while doing this WOD, but in he back of our minds we need to always remember to say thanks!!!


Chandler W said...

RIP Tyler
I want to see everyone at BBCF tomorrow! Let's show our support by having a good turnout and a strong performance

Travis Coombs said...

13:14 as Rx.

Thanks and admiration go to Tyler and all the other men & women who are serving for their sacrifice.

Kudos to Scott for having the perseverance to work through this WOD as Rx'd just a few minutes after doing his first ever muscle-up. Great job Torrey, Allen, Jason & Steve for completing all those pull-ups & dips!

Nice work on the floor Jason! The blue is going to look great when it's all done.

Chandler W said...

10:43 as Rx

I really liked that one! Great job today everyone, I saw some great performances today. Scott did his first Muscle Up WOD, Alena was doing perfect Muscle Up transitions, Steve almost met Pukee, Matt fought through the WOD and wrecked it, and Mel helped me maintain my intensity. Everyone did awsome tonight, because the sub was definately worse than the regular WOD!

Matt said...

16:36 as Rx

Holy Crap! The intensity in the gym was amazing! First time I've done muscle ups in a WOD. The floor is looking awesome Jason and Alena!!

Mel said...

I was very much inspired to see and feel everyone in our box delivering 110% of their effort.
Strong work, my fellow CrossFitters!

It was another day in paradise!

10:57 as rx'd

Alena said...

21 flat with my first set of "perfect transition muscle ups" thanks to th coaching and support of Mel, Chandler, and Matt. 32kg kettlebell for my SDHP.

The box was on fore today - I am so impresed with everyones performance!

Alena said...


Congrats to Scott, and Matt for busting out either their first muscle ups ever, or their first WOD with muscle ups. Cory rocked it with his first muscle ups - looking good!

Mel and Chandler as always blazing a path tht is hard to not pick up ad run threw hitting new PR's along the way!

Michelle and Catherine - nice job ladies!

Kristi - as always YOU ROCK! I am so proud of you and your hard work!

Lindsey - beautiful! Cassie 2.0 bringing Sarah back in the box for an ass kicking Hero WOD!

I know so many more people did gret, ad if I missed you its not cuz I am not so truly impressed and inspired by you - its cuz its 10:30 at night, I am tired and covered in blue paint.