Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday 22, January 2010

YAYAYAYAY it is Friday, we are heading into the weekend and having a party to boot!!!!

See you all tomorrow at BBCF at some point during the day - don't forget we are BBQing, Paleo pot lucking, eating, working out, witnessing amazing events, and having an overall GREAT TIME!!!


Power Cleans (yeah I know we did this on Wed - which should of been snatch technique work)



3 sets of max reps on rings, bench, GHD - which ever you are able to pop out a "few" reps - nice deep dips, dropping your weight below your shoulder line...


100 pull ups anyway you want to do them. If you have started kipping, you will start the workout that way, if at some point you have to go to a band or a jump then that is OK, but start out strong and work on the movement.


Mel said...

Power cleans: 70kg
Max rep ring dips: 32

100 pull ups: 2:46

Looking forward to tomorrow's
Jason, congratulations on
your well deserved BJJ Black Belt!

Matt said...

Power Clean: 70kg
Ring Dips: N/A

100 Pullups: 3:36

WOW those pullups destroyed my shoulders!

Congratulations to Jason and his Black Belt in BJJ!!