Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday 3, June 2010

One day until 24 of us depart from the safety of BBCF and run the Reno Tahoe Odyssey! Yeah so exciting! We do have regular class schedule this weekend, so for those of you who did not run with us, there will be a BBCF for you to venture to!

Snatch grip push press (I know another new move for you)
Clean pulls (and another)

800m run
rest as long as it took you to run
400m run
rest as long as it took you to run
200m run
rest as long as it took you to run
200m run
rest as long as it took you to run
400m run
rest as long as it took you to run
800m run
you are done!

***Try not to deviate 3 seconds on each run

1 comment:

Matt said...

The Odyssey is going to be quite an adventure. I'm jealous that so many people are participating this year. Everyone is going to have an awesome time! Best advice is to just have fun and not worry about the 'race'. Love from Iraq.