Monday, September 23, 2013

How quickly should you advance?

“It is natural to want to teach people advanced and fancy movements. The urge to quickly move away from the basics and toward advanced movements arises out of the natural desire to entertain your client and impress him with your skills and knowledge.

 But make no mistake: it is a sucker’s move. Teaching a snatch where there is not yet an overhead squat, teaching an overhead squat where there is not yet an air squat, is a colossal mistake.

This rush to advancement increases the chance of injury, delays advancement and progress, and blunts the client’s rate of return on his efforts. In short, it retards his fitness. . . .”

Coach letting you know how it is.

Why I urge you to slowly progress with lifts like the snatch and HSPU - we need a solid foundation to advance at these movements and fitness in general the way we do Functional Fitness

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