Friday, May 29, 2015

Wednesday 27, May 2015


100 v-twists weighted


3x8-12 strict wide grip pull ups


Sumo deadlift



Thruster 50/35kg
KB weighted sit up
KB swing 32/24kg

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tuesday 26, May 2015


3x8-12 strict wide grip pull ups


100 hollow rocks


Front squats


WE SCALED THIS WORKOUT - we did 200m, 400m, 600m, ending with an 800m run

For time:
100 push-ups
Run 800 meters
75 push-ups
Run 1,200 meters
50 push-ups
Run 1,600 meters
25 push-ups
Run 2,000 meters
Post time to comments.
Officer James Lowell Capoot, of the Vallejo Police Department, died Nov. 17, 2011, in the line of duty while chasing after an armed man suspected of robbing a bank. The 45-year-old, who lived in Vacaville, California, joined the Vallejo Police Department in 1993 and served as a motorcycle officer, motorcycle instructor, driving instructor and SWAT officer. He received two medals of courage, including one life-saving medal, as well as many other department commendations. Capoot is survived by his wife, Jennifer; three daughters, Jillian, Jamie and Justine; mother, Beverly Sue; brother and sister-in-law, Louie and Susie DeCarlo; and several other family members. He is preceded in death by his father, Lowell Jesse Capoot.

Memorial DAy 5-25-15 Hours and WOD

10 am class ONLY

Choose between



7 hang cleans
30 unbroken double unders
Rest 1 minute between rounds

4 minute rest


3 snatch - AHAP
100m row
Rest 1 minute
5 Snatch - medium weight
200m row
Rest 1 minute
7 Snatch - light weight
300m row
Rest 1 minute
7 Snatch - light weight
300m row
Rest 1 minute
5 Snatch - medium weight
200m row
Rest 1minute
3 Snatch - AHAP
100m row

FOR every round you do not complete in the minute
10 Burpees

Saturday 23, May 2015

BATTLEBORN CROSSFIT annual "Murph" memorial WOD at Virginia Lake

10am - rain or shine

Come brin a friend, your dog and enjoy a great workout with people who believe in supporting our military, Past, Present and Future!


For time:

1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.

This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd named it "Body Armor". From here on it will be referred to as "Murph" in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.
Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.

Friday 22, May 2015


50 Hollow rocks




Snatch technique



75 snatch 35/25kg


Thursday 21, May 2015


100 old school sit ups
Every 10, 5 push ups




Back squats

Work up to a HEAVY single



1000m row
50 thrusters 20/15kg
30 pull ups

Make Your Momentum at BattleBorn

Local company who makes some BAD ASS shirts are now carried at BattleBorn.  Help spread the word of this local company to those around you, sport some great clothes and help a number of LOCAL non-profits.

MAKE YOUR MOMENTUM is not a motto; it’s a lifestyle attitude that will transform your life as it’s transformed ours.  It’s a conscious decision one makes in the race to redefine one’s self-worth and authenticity.  This phrase not only promotes self-awareness but sparks the idea that anything’s possible if you fully put your mind to it.  We know this much because we’re proof of that.

We started out as an idea only supported by a message which struck a chord and inspired us.  We gave this idea a firm foundation for growth and the idea grew wings.  Without generating momentum this thought wouldn’t stand a chance to take flight and soar as it was so destined to do.  We started this business the best way we knew how, though a t-shirt doesn’t completely justify the philosophy.
It’s your DESIRE and how badly you want it.  It’s your DRIVE and how far you’ll go to get it.  It’s those characteristics that inspire perseverance and gratification, the means to a conceptually limitless life.
Not only does MAKE YOUR MOMENTUM inspire from within; but, our goals as a company are to give back to our communities and the folks unable to make their own momentum and a portion of each sale will be donated to local non-profit organizations (in Reno, NV).  With a message we proudly stand behind and the help from you, we will continue to make great impacts in the lives of others and the lives of ourselves.

Wednesday 20, May 2015


UMMMMM I am sore from yesterday

3x max effort plank for time




Bench press

Work up to a HEAVY single



1 min EMOM

5 burpees

Tuesday 19, May 2015


100 mountain climbers - four count





Work up to a HEAVY single


100 KB swings 24/16kg
100 evil wheels

Monday 18, May 2015

One rep max week!!!!

Warm up:

This has become a fun daily write up for our 6am coaches, so you wont usually see a specific item here anymore, unless we do song week again or some game weeks :-)


100 sit ups
Every 10 you do 5 pull ups


This week lets work on MOBILITY to get those HEAVY 1 reps


Strict Press

Work up to a heavy single


Main site WOD in hand today

8 min AMRAP
Press 52.5/40kg - as many as possible PUT the bar down and you do
 50 Double unders

4 minute rest

8 minute AMRAP
Hang cleans 92.5/70kg - as many as possible PUT the bar down and you do
30 air squats

Friday, May 15, 2015

Friday 15, May 2015

Thank god it is FRIDAY!!!!

It is that day where after a long week of training we take it "easy" - hehe

With that said we are doing some make up work, mobility, you know the fun stuff!


3 Turkish get ups - medium weight each side
5 KB snatch - medium weight each side
10 KB swing 32/24kg
5 strict chin ups

Thursday 14, May 2015

Warm up:

200m run
10 push ups
10 back extension
10 second count chest stretch


100 four count flutter kicks


Turkish get ups


Bench press


We don't do this often or regularly, but it was a request so we did it today. I don't care what the RX weight says, pick a manageable weight and keep form, then intensity!



Deadlifts 102.5/80kg

Wednesday 13, May 2015

Warm up:

5 minutes jump rope
5 minutes 3rd world squat


100 butterfly sit ups


Turkish get ups


Back squats

Find your 3 rep max



KB Ladder

Goblet squat
Press each side

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Tuesday 12, May 2015

Warm up:

500m row
shoulder dislocate
ligh snatch ba;ance
bar hang 10 second count


GHD sit ups


Turkish get ups


Strict press


Find your 3 rep max


Compliments of Gym Jones


15 burpee pull ups
75 air squats

Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday 11, May 2015

 This week we will focus on our 3 rep max for the lifts.

Warm up:

400m run
light good mornings
toe touch
lunge stretch hold 10 seconds each side


4x1 min plank hold


Ahhhh Turkish get ups - in all honesty this is one of my favorite moves to coach, teach, watch and even do.



Warm up



3 deadlifts 70% of your 3 rep max FOUND TODAY
5 hang cleans
7 front squats
9 push press
**** Can use 2 bars ;-)

Friday 8, May 2015

Warm up:

Lane drills


You know it - Coach D


After a week of working on mobility, you should be feeling better and a little more ware of what's going on with the body - lets keep it going!


Make up a lift you missed this week


7 minutes
3 power cleans 80/60kg
5 burpees

Thursday 7, May 2015

Warm up:

5 minutes jump rope


Death by Derek




Back squats

5 rep max week!




KB swings
Ring rows
250m row sprint

Wednesday 6, May 2015

Warm up:

500m row
400m run
500m row


Coach Derek choice - killer always


10 minutes mobility


Strict Press


10 push press 55/40kg
30 double unders

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tuesday 5, May 2015

Warm up:

400m run
500m row
400m run


10 minutes mobility


100 elevated side planks



2 sets of light bar warm up




Wall balls
Box jumps

****Take the option to increase the time of the workout, will still be under 10 minutes with going back up on your reps :-)

Monday 4, May 2015

This week we will be finding our 5 rep max on all of our power lifts. Warm up and skill work will be different this week with the metcons being of shorter duration - because if you are truly testing yourself to find your 5 rep max, you should be significantly taxed by the end of the strength cycle.

Warm up:

1000m row
800m run

10 mins mobility - this will be all week


4x10 toes to bar


Bench press
2 sets of bar / light weight for a warm up


Last set should and better be HARD!!!!


200m sprint
5 deadlifts 120/100kg
10 bar over burpees

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Wednesday 22, April 2015

Warm up:

Coaches choice - what do you think fun warm up will coach choose for your class


50-75 evil wheels


Any hanging bar movement


Back squats


CeCe Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

22 ring push ups
76 double unders
39 calorie row

Juggernaut Article - Coaching

5 Habits Of Effective Coaches

By Greg Robins | In Sports Training | on April 29, 2015 
Unfortunately, I have found that many professionals in the sports performance industry separate themselves far too distantly from the last word in most of their titles: COACH.

While JTS has become a forum largely filled with information on strength sports and the close approximations, I do not consider myself a lifter or an athlete. I am, and will always be, a coach.  While you may not find yourself in a similar role, I do believe you will find the following information pertinent to your role as a contributing member of society. There is a shortage of quality leaders, and I challenge you to think about how you might apply the following to your day-to-day relationships.
Greg Robins is a competitive lifter, but a coach first and foremost.
Greg Robins is a competitive lifter, but a coach first and foremost.
Lastly, I find this information timely given that JTS will soon welcome their inaugural class of interns.

Recently, we hired a terrific individual to coach at our facility. Oddly enough, I found myself writing a letter of recommendation for this person a few weeks prior.  Our coaching staff made it a point to sway our facility owners to hire this individual, even though at the time we probably didn’t need another coach on the floor.  I would like to begin this article with a glimpse into this letter. The character traits described must be present before any talk of effective coaching habits can ensue.
I have changed the audience to be more general.

I am fortunate that my role at Cressey Sports Performance has allowed me to mentor over 70 interns in three years; people whom I view to be the potential leaders of the strength and conditioning world in years to come. This, coupled with my nearly 10 years of experience in the industry, and five years in a military leadership role, has given me a unique perspective in assessing the quality of both an individual at a personal, as well as professional, level. It speaks highly that upon requesting my recommendation I didn’t even have to bat an eye before willingly agreeing to give him my highest accolades. Here’s why.

Having had the experience of working in both the college sector and private sector of performance enhancement, I know that the right person for this position must be: a talented coach, eager student, and quality person.

A talented coach is a great mind, a great teacher, and a willing subject.

A coach must first be an excellent teacher. It is fair to say that the greatest amount of knowledge is rather useless if it cannot be applied effectively to the athlete. The quality in which the exercise is carried out is far more important than the quality of the plan or program laid out. The best can supply both an intelligent plan and the means in which to carry it out correctly; this is a rare combination.
A quality coach has a vast amount of his or her own ‘in the gym’ experience. I cannot stress enough how important this is to the success of a program, and to a coach in this industry. Too often I see coaches who do not walk the walk. Hiring anyone short of someone who has put his or her own time in learning first hand how to move, and perform better, is a grave mistake. One can coach and teach because they continually apply lessons learned for themselves first. Helping people learn anything is about knowing how to create context. If you as a coach can create context, that alone makes you a stand-out candidate.

I’ve already commented on this in depth here at JTS, but it bears repeating: Great coaches operate with a growth mindset. This is crucial to being successful in rapidly changing, and improving industry. You must be a student of strength and conditioning, willing to go the extra mile to better your understanding of human performance. The college and professional sector in particular is inundated with coaches who do not challenge the status quo, both within the system they are in, and in the field itself. No program should want to hire a follower; they should want leaders. Leaders put in the time to learn, and to find solutions for how to make a system better. Coaches are leaders.

More than anything a true coach is a quality person. They are genuine, honest, and driven. I ultimately evaluate our interns not on my perception of their character, but our athlete’s perspective. A coach approaches each athlete with a smile, and personable tone, genuinely engaging them with interest and warmth.

The qualities described above lay the foundation for being a coach. These items must be addressed first, and in many cases they cannot be taught. Rather, they are a question of an individual’s motivation, make-up, and concern for improving the performance and lives of the athletes they are fortunate enough to work with. 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Thursday 30, April 2015


Clean and jerk

Find your 3 rep max



10 deck squats
20 swings
10 v-twist
20 double unders

Wednesday 29, April 2015



15 minutes to work on the movement

It is ok to fail



5 rounds of the following complex = 1 round of the above 10
1 Deadlift
2 Hang cleans
1 Push press

10 burpees for time you put the bar down in a round
Rest as needed between rounds
Add weight as needed

Tuesday 28, April 2015


Power clean

Find your 1 rep max

Three sets of 5 for your warm up

3-3-3 still warming up -




8 Thrusters 50/40kg
8 Strict chin ups
8 Hang cleans

Monday 27, April 2015

So, I am going to be completely 100% honest right now...

I di not program any of the warm ups or stabilizer this week, Coach Derek did when he started the classes at 5:30am, so you will not be seeing any of those posted this week, because (here is the brutal honesty) I was to lazy to write them down in the book every day after he wrote them out. :-)


Handstand push ups


Over had squat

Find your 3 rep max

Warm up with a few sets and then




5 two way lunges
10 explosive push ups
10 bar burpees


50 landmine squats

31 HEROES - 5th annual registration open

Register Here:



Established to honor the 30 Americans and one working dog killed in action on August 6, 2011, The 31Heroes Project assists athletes and event organizers who want to make a difference in the lives of our nation’s warriors and their families.


On August 6, 2011, a tragedy shook the military community and Americans everywhere. In a single instance, America lost 30 military service members, many of whom were members of the Navy SEAL community—and one military K9– when an Extortion 17 helicopter was downed in Afghanistan.
In the wake of the unimaginable tragedy, a mission was born. Following the downing of Extortion 17, a fundraising WOD—hosted at more than 430 gyms around the country with more than 10,000 participants—raised $300,000 over a four-week period to support the 30 families affected. This prompted the organizers to create The 31Heroes Project to remember our fallen heroes and take care of their loved ones.
Humbled by the massive response and inspired by the impact on the families of these heroes, 31Heroes recognized an opportunity to reach even more families. Soon, new events and WODs were organized with the help of a growing network of passionate volunteers.
Today, we assist athletes and event organizers around the country with tools and resources to continue the legacy of selflessness and comradery of August 6, 2011.
Through partnerships with organizations including the Navy SEAL Foundation and Travis Manion Foundation we can ensure that all proceeds directly fund programs that support service members and their families.
Since our first events in 2011, more than $1.5 million has been given back to our nation’s heroes and their families through these partnership programs.
They’ve left behind more than just memories. They’ve given us a legacy to honor. Together, we can ensure the mission to honor the fallen lives on.


The 31Heroes WOD (workout of the day) was specifically designed to remember the fallen heroes of August 6, 2011 and honor their legacy of sacrifice.
For the athletic community, this is our moment of silence.
This is how we remember. This is how we come together to support those who’ve fought for us.
The 31Heroes WOD is more than a workout.
This is a mission to give back to those who’ve given their all.
Grab a partner, and join the team.


The Workout

At a participating Affiliate or local gym. Don’t belong to a gym? Do the workout in your garage gym, at a park, or get creative! Starting May 1st, an individual registration option will be available.


Worldwide on August 1, 2015.

AMRAP (as many reps as possible) in 31 minutes to honor the 31 Heroes who gave their lives on August 6, 2011


8-6-11 reps in memory of August 6, 2011
  • 8 Thrusters (155/105#)
  • 6 Rope Climbs (15 ft. ascent)
  • 11 Box Jumps (30/24)