RSVP To Class

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Saturday 24, July 2010

AHHHHHHH it is Ashleigh's 22nd birthday (actually it was the 22nd, but birthday WOD's come on the weekends now.)

Ashleigh's Birthday Workout aka Ashleigh's Crippler

1988m row
3 rounds of
22 wall balls 20/16
22 knees 2 elbows
7 burpee pull ups
7 hndstand push ups
22 air squats
22 GHD sit ups
7 ring pull ups
1988m row


Brandon said...

Oh that sounds amazing!

Travis Coombs said...

Happy Birthday (again) Ashleigh!

Anonymous said...

Amazing wasn't quite the word I had in mind, Although I was certainly glad I worked hard for that 60 minutes as I was laying in bed recovering from Saturday night, unable to workout on Sunday. Thanks boys and Alena! Lol. And thank you Travis! It's a good thing it only comes around once a year...this time, for more than one reason! Haha.