Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thursday 1, July 2010

So, I have tried a new process this week - tell me what you think...
Monday - Front squats (elbows up)
Tuesday - Squat cleans (catch it in the squat - elbows up)
Wednesday - Clean shrugs (pull and shrug open the hips)
Thursday - Snatch (shrug it to get under it)


Snatch 8 x 2


"The Chief" compare 7-3-09
5 rounds 3 minutes long with 1 minute rest between
AMRAP per round no partial round counts...
3 power cleans 60/43lg
6 push ups
9 squats

Score for each round, total of 5 scores!
This workout ROCKS!!!!

1 comment:

Alena said...

The Chief - was freaking awesome!

I was a little disappointed at the end - pretty sure I could of got 6 rounds per round, and not just on the first and last, but next time....