RSVP To Class

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Starting Strength Starts Today

Today is day one of our 8 week class - it is going to be a great time, and I am so excited to be coaching an doing the program with you guys.


Lifts today are:

Back squat 3 x 5
Bench press 3 x 5
Strict chin ups 3 sets to failure

Today and Wednesday will be setting our parameters for the following weeks - as we progress we will also add technique work in with the snatch and cleans.

Logs will be handed out on Friday, I wanted to hard copy your first two lift days and have them be a permanent typed page for you to set goals and see results with.

1 comment:

Lynntropy said...

Great start to SST. Good job everybody!!! It's gonna be hell...I mean fun, it's gonna be fun. ;)