Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tuesday 25, January 2011

Well, when you get Jason and I together on a metcon we come up with something as "beautiful" as a WOD called Burpee Double Tap!!!


Snatch grip deadlifts



Burpee Double Tap
10 double tap burpee pull ups (1 burpee 2 pull ups)
15 double tap burpees (2 push ups 1 jump and clap)
20 double tap burpee box jumps (1 burpee 2 box jumps)
200m run


Travis Coombs said...

Oeyy Veyy! Double Tap = Double Crap. Just kidding. This was a great taxing workout that I'm still feeling today. 20:56'ish. Nice work everyone.

Matt said...

That was crazy! I almost has to use your puke bucket Travis.
19:59... I'm glad its a rest day :-)