Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tuesday 8, December 2009

Today was a fun one.

Strength work was

Front squat

Bench Press


AMRAP 15 mins

1 push press 65% body weight
1 strict pull up

3 push press
3 strict pull ups

5 push press
5 strict pull ups

Compliments of CrossFit Football


Chandler W said...

Great WOD today! Nice job Matt and Mel on their marathon down in Vegas.

100kg Front Squat
85kg Bench

13 rounds plus 1 Push Press.
42.5kg (65% of my body weight as Rx)

great article:


Mel said...

Thanks, Chandler!
Had an awesome time in the box last night!
It was great working out with the crew again!

Matt said...

Excellent WOD to come back after a marathon, NO running :-p

7 & 3/4 Rounds
45 Kgs (65% BW)

Hopefully the turn out will be better these next coming days!

Alena said...

Did this WOD today - holy crap on all 4 bent over the bar when I was done.

45kg with a blue band on my 3 and 5 strict pull ups

5 rounds + 5 push press (oh so close to 6)