Monday, June 19, 2017

Wednesday 14, June 2017

Warm up

1000m row
10 Supermans - light weight
10 Inch worms
10 - 3 way banded shoulders - front/lateral/rear (single band) do each side separately


6 min EMOM
30 second handstand hold
15 second hollow hold


70/80/90% of your 90%


 "E"MOM  - 5 total rounds
2 minutes to do 100m row 3 clean and jerks 10 air squats
3 minutes to do 200m row 6 clean and jerks 20 air squats
4 minutes to do 300m row 9 clean and jerks 30 air squats
5 minutes to do 400m row 12 clean and jerks 40 air squats
6 minutes to do 500m row 15 clean and jerks 50 air squats

Clean and jerk weight 80% of your max

Score is 1 point for each round completed - total you can get it 5

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