Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday 4, March 2010

So the day before TGIF - I know your all a little tired, and you may be thinking another day another WOD, almost at the weekend a "rest" day for some of us, a "recovery" day for others, but don't get to ahead of yourself - we still have tomorrow.

Back squats (yes, more squats)
Bench press

AMRAP 15 minutes
4 clapping push ups / 8 push ups
8 kettlebell swings 32/20kg
12 goblet squats (same weight as swings)

Check out the last few days on the main page at the videos from the sectionals this past weekend, Travis and I show up a few times, but you can see what we were doing for sure!


Mel said...

Enjoyed the WOD, thanks!
Great class this evening!

10 completed rounds+ 4 clapping pushups
as Rxd at 32 kg KB.

Travis Coombs said...

Great job Mel.

I got a PR of 150 Kg (2) on the back squats. Yahoo!

8-2/3 rounds w/ 32Kg KB on the metcon. That one was harder than it sounded originally. Those goblet squats got heavy super fast.