RSVP To Class

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wednesday 24, March 2010

Sorry for the delayed posting these last few weeks - Charter is coming out today to fix our Internet, so I will back in commission for the regular posting. Had to get a new computer (thanks to the 13 year old in the house) then the Internet had to be re-worked or something to the new laptop...

So, we are going to change the name of Wednesday if you guys are not going to show up, it will now be called skills day with some running or rowing in there. HAHA! Get your butts in here on Wednesday and work on your level of endurance - for those of you that are newer I may dislike running, but spring is here and summer is just around the corner....

4 x
400m run
400 jump ropes
400m row

It is a great lung burner, and the calves may start to burn like a fire never to be quenched, keep it up and you will get through it.


Anonymous said...

I hate Wednesdays. Because I hate running and all that. BUT, for some reason, I still go every time, knowing EXACTLY what I'm getting myself into. Lol. This sure as heck better be worth it when I'm lounging my summer away at Tahoe ; ) Haha.

Alena said...

It will It will I swear!